Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hampi- first proper day.

Alright, the other night we met a few people, one of whom is a guy from Bristol, England. He's been our running mate the last few days, and we have done quite a bit. For starters, we went scambling up a mountain of boulders upon which is a temple to the Hindu deity Matanga. The climb was quite exerting and exciting, we hopped from rock to rock like the monkeys that live there. From the top we watched the sunset and enjoyed a masala (spiced) tea. I had actually decided to climb the hill alone that morning, and an elderly Hindu worshipper insisted on giving me a "Bidi" dot (you know, the red dot between the eyes), which was the cause of much irritation as the powder mixed with my sweat and ran into my eyes. I would make a poor Hindu. Anyhow, we (us and Dan, our buddy) decided to watch the sunrise from the same place the next morning (aka today). We woke at 5 and made it to the top for 6, the sunrise was absoulutely spectacular, and a monkey stole my water bottle. Even after I gave it a banana! The nerve of some people (well...almost). After that we all rented scooters and a motorbike, got a couple friends on the back (dude from England and a 30 year old Kiwi), and took off to an absolutely amazing place. It is called the waterfall, but the waterfall is underground. What we encountered was miles of rocks laden with big swimming pools, an absolute paradise. Jumping in the water is so refreshing when you're in 42' C heat. The landscape looked absolutely alien- unlike anything I've ever encountered. OH, I dropped our camera on the mountain today, so I guess I'll be buying a new one. Damn. After the swim, we dropped off the 2 other guys and took off into the country sides on our scooters. What a blast that was, sharing the road with cows and goats. We also took some Indian children for some laps around a parking lot, they were so thrilled to be able to do this. Also, children are absolutely ecstatic to have their pictures taken. These simple pleasures and opportunities bring a degree of delight to these kids which I have rarely seen back home. Really changed my perspectives in some ways. Anyhow, me and Dylan moved across the river tonight (Joan, you know what I mean) to cheaper rooms and better access to climbing and new terrain. Our place is very laid back, staff are super friendly. And yeah, that was the day. Best I've had so far here and now I'm ready to CRASH! Been a long day. Tomorrow I'm thinking another temple, rock climbing, and whatever else comes our way. Our plans are so loose- the "waterfalls" weren't even on our radar til an hour before we left. Oh, I got a wicked tan today. It was threatening to burn but it's mellowed (yes, Mom, I'm wearing sunscreen).


  1. Wow - pictures of all you described would have been great! Another camera would be a good idea. Hope Dylan is taking pictures. Sounds like you are meeting nice fellow travellers and the locals. We look forward to your comments Nick - keep them coming.
    Grama R.

  2. Nick, Sol should write a movie script about your adventures there. When I read your blog it is like something out of a movie. Just amazing. I can just try to imagine what are you seeing and doing there. What an adventure. Glad you are wearing sunscreen too (that question popped into my head - yes!!) Keep posting!!! Love Mom

  3. Hi Nick.... I'm really enjoying your blog... you're a great writer! Your entries are the next best thing to seeing the photos and actually being there. Sounds like you guys have had a fun day. Take care and stay healthy. Hugs to you and Dylan.

  4. Fun Nick!! Wish I was there.
    What are you eating? do you like the food?
